"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter" Max Planck 1944
Even seen as the Tree of Life, within the construct of the very matrix of perception.
We as beings energise the matrix, and to change it we need to change our perceptions of it. This is done at the smallest levels for as - That Which is Above is Below so we are the Cup Bearers of the Macrocosm.
We first deny their reality, usurp their energy. The system becomes open via disorder and by entropy we give their control over to dissolution.
The media of Psy-Ops will lay in their own waste.
No more will those who seek to travel via the Astral Body be delayed by the passwords and gates that stop our psychological revolution.
No more false trails that lead you back to where you once began.
This is the sidestep the curve ball. So take the sidestep. No more requirement to continue to triangulate your souls by the short journey of life from World to Devil to Death... Step off via ART.
Do not call them The Powers that Be - call them The Powers That Were.
The decision regarding their timeline was was made some years ago.
And they have built an ongoing matrix that most can now see around them in your daily affairs and you ask what can we do?
Recognise your self your actions and the consequences of accepting their reality over your own.
So as the cup bearers of the macrocosm within your own diverse microcosm you can change the matrix in this reality and in doing so change the path of existence for the better.
The way is being cleared, hundreds are actively now taking control, rejection of numerous control systems that for thousands of years enslaved you are being removed.
As each errant knight strikes further outward in extension they lance the poisons of corruption.
No need to be governed when nature is the Goddess, no need to be told how to worship by churches and ministry. The journey to receive spirit is your own purpose.
And above us all out with this matrix or the next the very energies of the multiverse cascade towards that inner grail that is your heart.
Look at each other as family, recognise the spark within.
And remember they are The Powers That Were.
Khabs Am Pekht
The Magus 9°= 2□ XI°
I Tego Arcana Dei
Location:United Kingdom